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GeoGebra Printer

Want to get some sensor data to the GeoGebra (.ggb) format? Follow these 7 easy steps!

  1. Copy the geogebra_printer.ino to your project folder.
  2. Make sure you’ve enabled Serial printing. (Eg. by calling Serial.begin(9600) in the void setup())
  3. Use the printGeoGebraPoint(float x, float y) function to record a sample. (Eg. printGeoGebraPoint(millis() / 1000.0, 1.0) would output a data point with the x value of the current time (in seconds) and the y value of 1.0)
  4. Run your Arduino for a while, gather the samples.
  5. Copy the Serial Monitor contents to a text file, eg. serial.txt.
  6. Run the Python script with the name of the text file and the name of the output .ggb file as arguments. (Eg. python serial.txt output.ggb) Note: You could just name your file serial.txt and run the script without any arguments, the defaults are serial.txt and output.ggb.
  7. Done! You can open the output.ggb in GeoGebra and do whatever analysis you’d like.